AS 1441.13涂层产品可燃性测试

AS 1441.13:Methods of Test for Coated Fabrics Part 13:Method for Determination of Flammability.
AS 1441.13:涂层产品防火测试方法—第13部分:可燃性测试方法

AS 1441.13涂层产品可燃性测试 – 适用范围

主要用于测试织物上的乙烯基涂料,但在某些情况下也可用于测试其他类型的涂料,例如聚氨酯。另请参阅AS 2001。
Apply primarily to testing vinyl coatings on fabrics but may also be used in certain cases for testing other types of coating such as urethane. See also AS 2001.