EN 12467: 纤维水泥板CE认证

EN 12467: 纤维水泥板CE认证

EN 12467: Fibre-cement Flat Sheets-Product specification and test method

EN 12467: 纤维水泥板-产品规范和测试方法


纤维水泥板CE认证-EN 12467-CPR 305/2011/EU

CE marking to Fibre-cement flat sheet–EN 12467– CPR 305/2011/EU



 在水泥纤维板上加贴CE标志不但可以证明其产品符合建筑产品指令(CPR 305/2011/EU)及其相关标准(欧洲协调标准EN 12467)规定的安全,环保,卫生和消费者保护。而且可以合理规避贸易技术壁垒,在欧洲市场自由销售并打开其他国际市场。

厦门易朔EcoSafene将指导您如何符合水泥纤维板EN 12467标准及建筑标准法规CPR 305/2011/EU,提高产品质量和企业竞争力,进入欧洲市场

 从2013年7月1日年开始,所有进入欧盟市场的建筑材料水泥板需要符合新的欧盟建筑产品法规CRP 305/2011/EU,通过测试,获得认证,并加贴CE标志。

注:欧盟建筑法规CRP(Construction Product Regulation) 305/2011/EU 全面取代欧盟建筑产品指令CPD(Construction Product Directive) 106/89/EEC, 并且从2013年7月1日起强制执行

fibercement  201031314163074147


A.产品指令: 建筑产品法规CPR(Construction Product Regulation) 305/2011/EU


EN 12467: Fibre-cement Flat Sheets-Product specification and test method

EN 12467: 纤维水泥板-产品规范和测试方法

纤维水泥板CE认证-EN 12467涉及的产品范围:

EN 12467标准规定了纤维水泥板的技术要求,检验和测试方法,以及接受标准。EN 12467设计纤维水泥板的两个应用:室内墙体和天花板,室外墙体和天花板应用。

SCOPE:This European Standard EN 12467 specifies the technical requirements and establishes methods of inspection and test as well as acceptance conditions for fibre-cement flat sheets, siding shingles and planks (referred to as sheets later in this document) for one or more of the following uses:- internal wall and ceiling finishes;- external wall and ceiling finishes.Products covered by this European Standard can be used for other purposes provided they comply with the relevant application standard, e.g. rigid underlays.This European Standard covers sheets reinforced with fibres of different types as specified in 5.1.1. This European Standard does not cover sheets for fire protection purposes.This European Standard does not include calculations with regard to works, design requirements, installation techniques, wind uplift or rain proofing

纤维水泥板CE认证-EN 12467-认证流程:


2、确定欧洲产品指令,纤维水泥板需符合新的欧盟建筑产品法规CRP 305/2011/EU

3、确定欧洲协调标准,纤维水泥板需符合协调标准EN 12467

4、根据CPR指令和协调标准EN 12467进行测试评估,欧盟公告机构根据认证体系1或者体系3进行(根据是否添加阻燃剂)

5、获得由欧盟公告机构办法的测试报告和证书 (如果根据体系1认证需工厂审查)

6、发放产品性能声明(Declaration of Performance)



纤维水泥板CE认证-EN 12467-性能要求

CE marking to fibre-cement flat sheet–EN 12004- Requirement

防火性能Reaction to fire

根据EN13501-1进行测定评估,防火等级为A, B, C, D, E, F,(根据ISO 11925-2和EN 13823标准进行测试)



EN 13501-1:2007:建筑制品和构件的火灾分级-第一部分:用对火反应试验数据的分级/EN 13501-1:2007:Fire classification of construction products and building elements-Part1: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests.


EN 12467 Clause 5.4.4 Machanical Resistance 机械性能测试

EN 12467 Clause 5.4.5 Water Permeability 透水性测定

EN 12467 Clause 5.5.5 Durability against warm water 抗热水持久性测定


EN 197-1, Cement — Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements

EN 197-1:水泥-第1部分:水泥的成分,规范和符合标准

EN 13501-1, Fire classification of construction products and building elements — Part 1: Classification using test data from reaction to fire tests

EN 13823, Reaction to fire tests for building products — Building products excluding floorings exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning item

EN ISO 1716, Reaction to fire tests for building products — Determination of the gross heat of combustion

EN ISO 1716: 建筑材料对火的反应测试-燃烧热值的测定

EN ISO 12572, Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products — Determination of water vapour transmission properties

EN ISO 12572:建筑材料温热性能-抗水蒸气渗透测试

ISO 2602, Statistical interpretation of test results — Estimation of the mean — Confidence interval

ISO 2859-1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection

ISO 3951-1, Sampling procedures for inspection by variables — Part 1: Specification for single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection for a single quality characteristic and asingle AQL


> 欧洲强制CE认证

> 德国DIBT认证

> 美国船舶海岸警卫USCG认证

> 欧洲船舶Wheelmark认证

> Certifire防火认证


> 各国防火阻燃检测认证,EN13501-1,DIN4102-1,BS476-7..

> 室内空气质量VOC测试, ISO16000

> 隔音测试(撞击声改善量), ASTM E90, ASTM E413, ISO140-8..

> 防滑性能测试, DIN 51130, ASTM C1028..

> 导热性能测试,EN 12664